Detect a character using a "detector"

What's this?

A CharacterDetector is a component that's responsible for detecting characters (CharacterActor components). This component uses the OnTriggerXXX callbacks, meaning that any character can be detected in either two ways:

  1. Trigger vs Character's capsule collider

  2. Non-Trigger vs Character's ground trigger (you'll need to enable it in the inspector)

Why use this?

A CharacterDetector object:

  • Registers all the current characters inside a dictionary, avoiding multiple GetComponent calls.

  • Does its job only once, so you don't need to keep track of each individual colliders involved.

  • Works automatically with 2D and 3D physics.

Custom behaviour

It is possible to implement your own behaviour by implementing the CharacterDetector class. For example, the JumpPad and PositionAndRotationModifier components are essentially detectors.

There are three important methods that you can override in order to define the behaviour you want:

protected virtual void ProcessEnterAction( CharacterActor characterActor ){}
protected virtual void ProcessStayAction( CharacterActor characterActor ){}
protected virtual void ProcessExitAction( CharacterActor characterActor ){}

Example: Jump pad

public class JumpPad : CharacterDetector
    public float jumpPadVelocity = 10f;

    protected override void ProcessEnterAction( CharacterActor characterActor )
        if( characterActor.GroundObject != gameObject )
        characterActor.Velocity += transform.up * jumpPadVelocity;

    protected override void ProcessStayAction( CharacterActor characterActor )
        ProcessEnterAction( characterActor );

Last updated