As mentioned in previous sections, an input handler must be created specifically for Unity's new input system. The following code shows one way to do it.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem.Utilities;
using Lightbug.CharacterControllerPro.Implementation;
public class InputSystemHandler : InputHandler
InputActionAsset inputActionsAsset = null;
bool filterByActionMap = false;
string gameplayActionMap = "Gameplay";
bool filterByControlScheme = false;
string controlSchemeName = "Keyboard Mouse";
Dictionary< string , InputAction> inputActionsDictionary = new Dictionary<string, InputAction>();
protected virtual void Awake()
if( inputActionsAsset == null )
Debug.Log("No input actions asset found!");
if( filterByControlScheme )
string bindingGroup = inputActionsAsset.controlSchemes.First( x => == controlSchemeName ).bindingGroup;
inputActionsAsset.bindingMask = InputBinding.MaskByGroup( bindingGroup );
ReadOnlyArray<InputAction> rawInputActions = new ReadOnlyArray<InputAction>();
if( filterByActionMap )
rawInputActions = inputActionsAsset.FindActionMap( gameplayActionMap ).actions;
for( int i = 0 ; i < rawInputActions.Count ; i++ )
inputActionsDictionary.Add( rawInputActions[i].name , rawInputActions[i] );
for( int i = 0 ; i < inputActionsAsset.actionMaps.Count ; i++ )
InputActionMap actionMap = inputActionsAsset.actionMaps[i];
for( int j = 0 ; j < actionMap.actions.Count ; j++ )
InputAction action = actionMap.actions[j];
inputActionsDictionary.Add( , action );
for( int i = 0 ; i < rawInputActions.Count ; i++ )
inputActionsDictionary.Add( rawInputActions[i].name , rawInputActions[i] );
public override bool GetBool( string actionName )
InputAction inputAction;
if( !inputActionsDictionary.TryGetValue( actionName , out inputAction ) )
return false;
return inputActionsDictionary[actionName].ReadValue<float>() >= InputSystem.settings.defaultButtonPressPoint;
public override float GetFloat( string actionName )
InputAction inputAction;
if( !inputActionsDictionary.TryGetValue( actionName , out inputAction ) )
return 0f;
return inputAction.ReadValue<float>();
public override Vector2 GetVector2( string actionName )
InputAction inputAction;
if( !inputActionsDictionary.TryGetValue( actionName , out inputAction ) )
return inputActionsDictionary[actionName].ReadValue<Vector2>();
It is recommended to put the class file outside CCP's main folder in order to prevent missing reference errors. This happens because CCP's asmdef file does not include references to any external packages such as Unity's input system, Cinemachine, etc.
InputAction assets
Keep in mind that the InputActionAsset action names must match with the character actions names, otherwise actions will not be registered by the input handler. For example: