Using the package


The recommended way to use this package (and every package out there, really) is by working on a separated path (outside the Character Controller Pro folder).

This is useful if you need to use and/or extend the asset in any way.


Every part of this package is separated into namespaces. This is to prevent collisions between names.

All my assets are contained within the Lightbug namespace. In this case:


The main "root namespace" for this asset.


The core code is hosted here (character actor, body, graphics, etc.).


The implementation code is hosted here (state machine, state, actions, brain,platforms, etc.).


The demo code is hosted here (specific character states, demo scenes, menus, fps counters, etc. ).


Here you will find all the utilities static methods and extensions i use. Some of them may be useful for your own projects. There are engine and editor utilities as well.


In simpler words, the API is the only interface between CCP internal code and you. Think of CCP as a black box with many buttons that don't mean anything at first. You need to press those buttons but you don't have any idea what they do 😰. Luckily for you there is an online API reference (doxygen).

Assembly definition file

The entire asset is self-contained inside an assembly definition file (.asmdef extension). For more information about assembly definition files please check Unity's documentation.

If you are using a custom assembly definition file and you need to reference Character Controller Pro from within that assembly, just indicate the reference as shown in the following image:

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