Change the size of the character

As mentioned in the Character body section, the local scale of the character should be This means that changing the local scale is not allowed 🔴. The body dimentions are represented directly by the character body size.

In order to do modify the size (width or height) of the character you can use the following CharacterActor public method:

// Sets the size directly without checking
CharacterActor.SetSize(size, sizeReferenceType);

// Check if the character fits
CharacterActor.CheckSize(position, size, in filter);
CharacterActor.CheckSize(size, in filter);

// Checks first, if the the result is valid then sets the size
CharacterActor.CheckAndSetSize(size, sizeReferenceType);

Sometimes you have to be able to smoothly change from one size value to another (e.g. while crouching/standing up). This can be achieved easily via interpolation (Lerp in this case).

The actor can Check and interpolate size:

CharacterActor.CheckAndInterpolateSize(targetSize, lerpFactor, sizeReferenceType);

// Only for height
CharacterActor.CheckAndInterpolateHeight(targetHeight, lerpFactor, sizeReferenceType);

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